Hot Toys AVP: Requiem – 1/6th scale Wolf Predator (Heavy Weaponry)
經典電影《異獸戰》富有前膽性的科幻元素,其殺戮和血腥電影情節一直深深印在鐵血迷的心中!Hot Toys 於今天推出早前已於香港動漫節展出過的《異獸戰 2》Wolf Predator(重裝版)1:6 比例珍藏人偶,以更生動擬真的神態質感與全副武裝高調重返 1:6 比例的異獸戰場!
Hot Toys 繼續與本地著名異獸原型師 Joseph Tsang 先生合作,根據電影原作的設定與參考資料,以準繩的體型比例和還原度高的外觀細節,透過完整的原型製作模式從而進行部件分拆,足本還原高逾 35cm、具 20 多個可動關節的 Wolf Predator 1:6 比例珍藏人偶!頭雕細節包括: 以精湛技術雕刻與塗裝眼睛部分、立體的皮層斑紋、鋒利的觸鬚、猙獰的獠牙與嘴部和以黑色軟膠製作辮子頭髮。戰服方面,與其他《異獸戰》的鐵血戰士大致上相近,同樣是於底層穿上網衫,然後再穿上塗裝上舊化效果的全新護甲和仿皮細節,結合最新設計的 Wolf Predator人偶素體,充分應付大幅度的動作形態!
此外,此套重裝版的 Wolf Predator 人偶配備了豐富的武器裝備,包括: 一個鐵血面罩、兩把裝置於肩膊上的鐳射炮、兩對裝置於右手手臂護甲上的合金腕刃、一條骷髏頭骨戰利品頸鏈、一把組合式長矛、兩條長鞭(卷曲與可展開形態)、一個迥旋飛標、三個關閉形態的飛標、一個掛於背上的藥箱(內藏一枝注射槍)和一個裝備箱等等,更額外附有一個異形頭部殘骸的情景地台,完美地為 Wolf Predator 人偶的整體可玩性進行增值,栩栩如生地打造出鐵血戰士種族中的精英角色人偶!
Continuing the occurrence of Alien Vs. Predator , a Predator scout ship carrying Predalien and facehuggers has crashed on Earth, causing the spawn of the chestburster in Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem. Wolf Predator, has responded to a distress signal, travelled to Earth and planned to kill all Aliens. As the elite member of the Predator, he has proven himself as a daunting warrior and dreadful hunter with a large collection of trophies from many different species and large arsenal of weapons! He has remained one of the most popular warriors in Alien vs. Predator series among fans.
Display the 1/6th scale Wolf Predator (Heavy Weaponry) along with your Hot Toys’ Predator collectible figures! Don’t miss out the unique opportunity!
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